
3 Helpful Tips for Leading Leaders

Leading Leaders: Nurturing Potential, Empowering Growth, and Balancing Support

We just kicked off Kyler Mason's takeover on the Scared Confident feed, and if you haven't listened to his series yet, make sure to check it out (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3). Kyler's diving deep into his journey of becoming the president of Element Three while wrestling with anxiety—a challenge many of us can relate to.

Today, I want to explore the topic of leading leaders. It's a whole different ball game when you realize that you're not only guiding amazing individuals but also shaping future leaders. From the early days of my relationship with Kyler, it was evident that he had the drive and potential to become a leader someday. As a leader myself, it became my responsibility to help him realize that potential and support his career growth.

When it comes to leading leaders, there are three key aspects to consider: nurturing their potential, empowering their growth, and balancing support. Let's break it down a little further.

Nurturing Potential

Nurturing potential involves creating an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their goals and dreams with you. It's a vulnerable moment for them to express aspirations that may extend beyond your organization. But it's crucial to listen and hold their dreams with an open hand, knowing that what's best for them will ultimately benefit both parties. Building trust and establishing a shared understanding of their aspirations aligns motivations and learning opportunities.

Empowering Growth

Empowering growth means helping leaders understand themselves on a deeper level. Authenticity and self-awareness are vital for effective leadership. By encouraging leaders to explore their motivations, ambitions, and strengths, we enable them to lead from a place of genuine authenticity. This self-awareness allows leaders to be fully present, accepting, and understanding of others, fostering stronger relationships built on trust.

In my experience, understanding oneself is a continuous journey. Tools like the Enneagram, DISC profile, and strengths finders can be incredibly valuable for individuals to gain insights into their own personalities and how they show up in the world.

Balancing Support

Balancing being available and allowing leaders to find their own way is crucial. As leaders, we need to instill confidence in our team members that they can solve complex problems. Leadership is about being a competent problem solver, dissecting issues, and activating the right resources to resolve them. By creating an environment where leaders are given the space and autonomy to solve problems, we build their confidence and competence. Sometimes, it means stepping back and providing support from the sidelines, allowing them to take ownership and grow.

Knowing when to be involved and when to step back is an art form that I'm still learning myself. It's about finding the right balance between offering guidance and letting leaders discover their own solutions. This approach empowers them to take ownership and face challenges head-on, building their confidence in problem-solving.

Leading leaders is a unique and exhilarating experience. They bring energy, excitement, and a passion for growth and excellence. Having a team of leaders beside me is a gift I cherish. They challenge me, inspire me, and keep me on my toes. The growth journey I embarked on with Kyler, my first evidence of leading leaders, pushed me to become a better leader myself.

So, bring those future leaders close to you. Embrace their energy, dreams, and aspirations. Nurture their potential, empower their growth, and find the right balance of support.

The journey of leading leaders is rewarding and inspiring. Let's continue to learn and grow together.

Listen to this episode on Scared Confident here.

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