
Here’s what every working mom really wants with Amri Kibbler

What every working mom wants

Amri Kibbler knows all about the challenges working mothers face, and the community they need to engage, support and empower them. In 2014, Amri, the Chief Community Officer of HeyMama, and her cofounder Katya Libin, set out to create what was missing in their own lives as new moms, a social network where women could celebrate both motherhood and their careers. And, it turns out, that was just the beginning of Amri’s learnings on what community meant to her as a working mom. In the years since, she’s faced a cancer diagnosis, hard decisions with her kids, and more.

In this conversation with Tiffany, Amri shares everything from her philosophy for making tough decisions for your family (including a frank conversation on when each of them feel OK disappointing their kids) to managing stress in unexpected times of trial without becoming a victim to it.


[00:00] Balancing motherhood and professional pursuits.

[05:35] Growing self-awareness empowers generational personal growth.

[09:43] Community can be rich, overplayed, and misconceived.

[13:36] Women empower and support each other graciously.

[16:56] Learning to say no was a challenge.

[19:26] Mother chooses tough love for daughter's growth.

[23:14] Prioritizing health and well-being through intentional self-care.

[25:03] Obsessed with keeping kitchen clean for peace.

[30:43] Connect with experts, set meetings, access events.

[31:41] Monthly Mama mMatchmaking, inspiring workshops, summits.


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