
Choose your hard

It's all hard - Choose the hard that aligns with where you're going

Everyday we are faced with that fork in the road of choosing the easy path or the hard path. We come to it time and time again. The easy path is attractive and it calls out to us by making us believe that it will create more time and space in our lives. But do we really believe that to be true?

Tiffany comes to us this week with a short but power-packed reminder that there is rarely an "easy" path (and usually the easy is an illusion). It's all hard, so choose your hard. Choose the path that aligns with who you are striving to be. Is it difficult? Yes. Is it worth it? Every single time. Listen in to be inspired to choose your hard and live your Life of And to the fullest.


[00:00] Intro

[00:42] Choose your hard

[01:57] Great sailors were not made in calm waters

[02:30] Muscle memory

[02:50] Closing


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