
Are you intimidating?

Intimidation or Authenticity?

Wear whatever feels good, even if it means rocking a pair of purple boots.

Tiffany opens up about her own experiences and fears during her recent talk at Butler University. She dives into the challenges of her early 20s, sparking a conversation about intimidation and authenticity. One key takeaway was how crucial it is to stay true to yourself, especially when it comes to how you present yourself to the world. If you are comfortable, you make other people comfortable.

It's all about being approachable, whether it's in our personal lives or at work. It’s a nice little nudge to be kind to ourselves, acknowledge our quirks, and go through life with authenticity, comfort, and openness.


[00:00] Intro

[01:00] Wearing what makes you comfortable is important

[06:35] Acknowledging intimidating traits and softening your edges

[07:54] Creating genuine connections

[08:50] Closing


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